The Queen Studios Authentication System is Online

Queen Studios work hard to make some of the world's most realistic collectibles. With the help of our partners, we're always looking to improve your collecting experience, working on availability and customer service.
As our collectibles are all premium pieces, we know that you want to make sure what you have ordered is in fact legitimate. To combat fakes, farudsters and give you piece of mind, we've created a new Authentication Process.
Follow the steps below to learn how you can Authenticate your collectible.
*This system starts for collectibles that went on pre-order from March 2021. Collectibles pre-ordered before this date may not include an Authentication Card.
1. Queen Studios Collectible Authentication Card
From May, your collectibles will be shipped with an Authentication Card like the one pictured above.
2. Verification URL

After you have received your Queen Studios Collectable, you will find an Authentication Card inside of the package. The Authentication Card will have a verification URL and a verification code, go to the link on the card to start the registration process.
3. You Will Be Greeted By This Form
Follow each step caredully filling in your information, click Submit, and you should then see the following message.
4. Click The Link To Authenticate
Click on the link. After clicking on the link you will be redirected to the Authentication page.
5. Find Your Collectible's License
On the Authentication page, you will see a list of licenses. Marvel, DC, Lord Of The Rings Etc. Click on the Authenticate Now button, or on the image of the license your collectible is from.
6. Find Your Collectible's Scale
Once you have found the correct license, you will need to find the correct scale of your collectible. If you can't remember, it should be written on the side of the shipping box.
7. Find Your Collectible
Now that you have found the correct license and scale, you will see a list of collectibles. Click on your collectible and you will be directed to a new page and you'll be prompted to insert your Unique Code.
7. Insert Your Authentication Code
On the Authentication page, you will be asked to insert your Unique Code and then authenticate. This code will be on the Authentication Card (see top of page for an example). On this card, you will notice a small silver scratch off box. Scratch this silver part and your code will be revealed. Instert as shown above and click authenticate.
8. Authentic Collectible
If your collectible is Authentic, you should see an image like the one shown above. This message will verify that your code and your collectible is authentic.
If you enter a wrong or false verification code you will see an error messge as shown above in pink. If this happens, please contact us at you don't know how to verify, you can click here to view the verification steps.
I would like to know and would love to see, even if I couldn’t afford it, those 1:2 scale statues of movie heroes like Captain America and others, if you were to create some of them on a comic book looking level. I would love to see a comic version of Captain America based on the Bart Sears version in 1:2 scale made of silicone. Other heroes such as Batman,Dr. Strange, amongst a few on a comic book art version. Keep up the great work.
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