Queen Studios January 2020 Review

January 2020, the start of a new year and a new decade. We started the month and the year with excitement for what was to come. Who knew we’d end the same month with so much uncertainty?
Despite a few setbacks, the Queen Studios team have a lot to be thankful for. In this post, we’ll cover some events you missed, and give you an idea of what to expect at the end of February and the beginning of March.
Earlier in 2019, we started work on our first 1:2 scale statue. The 1:2 scale is a new venture for us, and a silicone statue in this scale is still rare so we were looking forward to the challenge.
Within minutes of posting Aquaman’s silicone head sculpt on social media, there was an incredible response. Some fans called it witchcraft; others were blown away by the close resemblance to Jason Momoa. Our artists were just happy to see their work being well received.
It was a long journey until we could complete the final statue. Getting the size and scale just right, and matching the head to the body was a big challenge, but we made it. Following the release of the statue, we’ve received more incredible feedback, and we’re hoping to make Aquaman available in Europe soon. If you’re a fan of the piece, make sure you sign up to our newsletter for the latest updates.
One of our most hotly anticipated busts dropped in 2020. Alita Battle Angel has an almost unrivalled fan base. The #Alitaarmy have been campaigning for a sequel for pretty much a year, culminating in a flyover at the Oscars. It was incredible to see this amazing support spill over into our art. With an entire army behind us, we knew we had to make something special.
After much anticipation, at the end of December we revealed the special edition heart, and then followed up in January with the full bust reveal. Again, the Army was out in full force. Tweeting, sharing and commenting on what’s turned out to be one of our best busts yet.
The Alita Battle Angel 1:1 bust, and 1:1 Special Edition bust is still available, but with limited stocks worldwide. Click on the button below to learn more.
Before Chinese New Year, we had one more surprise up our sleeve. Throughout 2019, we’d been working on a full series of Marvel Avengers characters, and 2020 was time for Vision.
This secret project we’d been working on had no teasers and no buildup. Just a reveal of the (almost) final bust. We were surprised by how popular the bust seemed to be. We were grateful for the feedback. We’ve been collecting the feedback and we’ll make some changes and follow up with the PO some time early this year.
If you’re a fan of the bust, make sure you keep an eye out for updates!
The outbreak of the new Corona-virus has been a huge setback not only for us, but for many industries around the world. We’d like to thank you for your support and encouragement at this time. The news has been devastating for the people of Wuhan and it gives us great sadness to see what's going on.
We’re expecting shipping and pre-order delays in the early part of this year. But we'll do everything we can to get back on track without risking the health and well being of our colleagues.
Wonder Festival in Shanghai is set to be rescheduled, and we may have to postpone a few more events early this year.
On the positive side, we're hoping to announce some good news in March, we’re just waiting on further confirmation from the licensing companies. If you’re a fan in the US or Europe, please pay special attention to updates and make sure you sign up to our newsletter which we expect to resume in March!
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