揭幕博物馆系列蝙蝠侠和超人 - China Joy 2021

Queen Studios 在 China Joy 2021 上同时展出了 1:4 蝙蝠侠和超人博物馆系列雕像。
这些极其精细的雕像经过专业制作,营造出大理石外观的纹理。 尽管Queen Studios团队以创造一些世界上最逼真的雕像而闻名,但博物馆线是这一使命的一个小突破,也是团队的一个激情项目。
以独特的姿势和简单而优雅的设计创造这两个角色,这些雕像旨在为这些经典角色带来一丝优雅。 它们可能不适合电影角色,甚至漫画作品。 但它们看起来令人难以置信,因为它们是独立的雕像,适用于从会议室到卧室的任何地方。
观看下面的视频,了解在 China Joy 2021 上首次亮相的两座雕像。
I saw these and had to have them. I purchase both thru Spec fiction which is located in the USA. For the price point and size as well, it was a no brainer for me. Keep up the awesome work you do at QueenStudios!
Both statues are incredibly awesome, especially the Superman statue is looking so majestic, powerful, modern,and yet classic. More Badass and majestic Superman statues in 1/3, 1/4, and 1/6 th scales. You must also do a diorama with Superman fighting Brainiac, Darkseid, Zod or Steppenwolf through some expert story telling down the road. Great job, Queen Studios. You guys are the best. Keep pushing the envelope.👍